Origin-Destination Matrices

The origin-destination matrices presented in this section include all travel modes and cover the 24-hour period and a 3-hour am peak period.

There are two types of matrices for each period:

  1. The origin-destination matrix which presents all trip purposes and includes all trip records in the database.
  2. The home to work trip matrix which presents the first work trip for each person.

The destination is the actual destination of the work trip, however, the trip origin, as recorded in the survey, is replaced by the home location of the commuter. This definition differs from the Place-Of-Work (POW) information from Statistics Canada in that the Census data uses home to work linkages, not trips.

The survey area is slightly different between 2011, 2006, 2001 and 1996 and significantly larger than in 1991 and 1986. Each year’s matrices refer to TTS survey area as it existed during that time; The exact membership information can be obtained from the 2011 TTS Data Guide.

The origin-destination matrices presented here come from the 2011, 2006, 2001, 1996 & 1986 Origin-Destination Matrices report. The matrix values have been rounded to the nearest 100; As a result, there may be some discrepancy in the column and row totals.

2011, 2006, 2001, 1996, 1986 Origin-Destination Matrices by Regional Municipality

The trip matrices are presented separately for each survey year and are summarized by the the participating TTS municipalities. Trips made to or from areas external to the TTS area are excluded in the tables. Therefore, these totals and subtotals are less than those presented in the summary pages for each area.


2011Entire 2011 TTS Survey Area by Region1.03 MB
2006Entire 2006 TTS Survey Area by Region1.06 MB
2001Entire 2001 TTS Survey Area by Region835 KB
1996Entire 1996 TTS Survey Area by Region859 KB
1986Entire 1986 TTS Survey Area by Region446 KB

2011, 2006, 2001, 1996 and 1986 Origin-Destination Matrices for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area by Local Municipality

The trip matrices are presented separately for each survey year and are summarized by municipalities and by region. Trips made to or from areas external to the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area are excluded in the tables. Therefore, these totals and subtotals are less than those presented in the report summary pages for each area.
20112011 TTS – Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area2.98 MB
20062006 TTS – Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area3.27 MB
20012001 TTS – Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area3.46 MB
19961996 TTS – Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area3.74 MB
19861986 TTS – Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area4.03 MB

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